Our Dogs
Our Therapy Dogs International Certified dogs are available to visit schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Proof of insurance coverage available upon request.
Monkey's Way of Dreams, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, VHMA
Monkey is a greyhound puppy that was born 8/18/21 and brought home on 11/7/21. He's passed his AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy at 16 weeks of age, his AKC CGC and CGCU at 7 months of age, his CGCA, TKN, and VHMA at 18 months of age. At 12 months old he qualified to be a universal blood donor dog at the North American Veterinary Blood Bank in Manassas, VA. He's working towards taking his Therapy Dog Test through Therapy Dogs International. He was bought from Harvest Moon Greyhounds in Iowa.
Giorgio, CGC, CGCA, CGCU
He is a purebred feathered Saluki that came from Qatar in the Middle East. He came home 11/29/13. He's passed his CGC, CGCA, and CGCU. He's also a Certified Therapy Dog through Therapy Dogs International just 8 months after adoption. Yes, he's black too and this is a recent photo of him. He is a blood donor at North American Veterinary Blood Bank in Bristow, VA. He was adopted through Rescue Saluki's Middle East via The Sighthound Underground in the States.
Cookie is a border collie mix that I adopted from Petsconnect! She's going to be more for the frizbee, retrieving type oh and the perfect size to snuggle on my lap! So, I'm stepping outside of the box of sighthounds and getting a herding breed. She's been with me a while, but is really just now starting to get formally trained. Here's hoping she'll also be able to pass her Therapy Dog Test, but we need the CGC first!
PC Dirty Diva, CGC, CGCA, CGCU
I adopted her in March 2014 right after I lost my black girl, Pawn. She's a happy go lucky girl that loves everyone and she truly is a Diva. She's passed her CGC, CGCA, CGCU and is a Certified Therapy Dog through Therapy Dogs International. She's is a retired blood donor dog from the Greyhound Health Initiative. She is also a non-reactive dog for rehabilitating aggressive dogs.
Palm City Selene, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, THDN, ThD, TDIA
Selene was adopted from It's A Grey Area Greyhound Adoption in Louisana in December 2015. She passed her AKC CGC & AKC CGCA just 4 weeks after her adoption at the age of 19 months old. She then went on to pass her AKC CGCU 6 weeks after adoption! She also qualified to be a blood donor at North American Veterinary Blood Bank in Bristow, VA. She has passed her Therapy Dog Test through Therapy Dogs International and has earned her Therapy Dog Novice title. She's a non-reactive dog for rehabilitating aggressive dogs.
CTW Carl Edwards, CGC,CGCA, CGCU
Carl is the most recent addition to the pack, retiring just prior to his Nascar namesake! Carl was adopted from American Greyhound In October 2016 and passed all 3 of his CGC's 4 weeks after adoption at the age of 2 years old as well as his Therapy Dog Test through Therapy Dogs International. He's qualified to be a blood donor dog at the North American Veterinary Blood Bank in Bristow, VA. He is a non-reactive dog for rehabilitating aggressive dogs.