"The Power of Positive Dog Training," by Pat Miller
Information on the importance of observing, understanding, and reacting appropriately to your dog's body language; instructions on how to phase out the use of a clicker and treats to introduce more advanced training concepts.
"Culture Crash," by Jean Donaldson
All dogs need to be taught how to modify their normal and natural behaviors to adjust to human culture. Sadly, all to often, when the dog's way of life conflicts with human rules and standards, many dogs are discarded and summarily put to death.
"The Other End of The Leash," by Patricia McConnell
Dr. Patricia McConnell looks at humans as just another interesting species, and muses about why we behave the way we do around our dogs, how dogs might interpret our behavior, and how to interact with our dogs in ways that bring out the best in our four-legged friends.
"How To Teach A New Dog Old Tricks," by Dr. Ian Dunbar
Easy and effective, dog-friendly techniques for teaching a new puppy old tricks (such as basic manners), or for teaching an older dog that is new to training.
"Animals In Translation," by Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin draws upon a long, distinguished career as an animal scientist and her own experiences with autism to deliver an extraordinary message about how animals act, think, and feel. She has a perspective like that of no other expert in the field, which allows her to offer unparalleled observations and groundbreaking ideas.
"Excel-Erated Learning," by Pamela J. Reid, Ph.D.
Pam J. Reid specialized in animal learning, behavior, and cognition. She is a certified applied animal behaviorist and operates a Toronto-based private practice for problem pets.
"When Pigs Fly," by Jane Killion
Do you have an impossible dog? You know the kind of dog we're talking about don't you? The kind of dog that will do what you want him to do when pigs fly. One of those never-eager-to-please types that runs the other way when you say, "come!". Who seems to know exactly what you want him or her to do, then does just the opposite. The kind of dog for whom standard training methods whether positive or punishment-based don't seem to work. Call them stubborn, call them independent, call them challenging whatever you call them... don't give up!